Return to the scene of the crime
It is January 2018 and I'm 11 days away from turning 50 years old, I have a 52" waist and weigh a whopping 350 lbs. Several years ago (6 to be exact) I went and joined a crossfit box named "Crossfit Unmatched". I began training there to get into better shape as I had seen what it had done for so many others. It was tough but I stuck with it for about 6 months and then all of a sudden I stopped. I had made great progress, lost a lot of weight and generally felt better. But I stopped and I don't remember why now. Then I went back about a year later and started all over again, this time I was determined to last longer. But I didn't then either, I went another 5 months and stopped going again. I don't remember why that time either. Yesterday on January 17th 2018 I went back to Crossfit Unmatched, heavier and more out of shape than I've ever been in my life. Thankfully outside of still having treated high-blood pressure I'm still most...